There are two Listservs for ASCRS members, the Case Study Listserv and the Young Surgeons Listserv. ASCRS members are encouraged to subscribe to the Listservs as forums for discussion of issues related to colon and rectal surgery.

By subscribing, you agree to abide by the following rules, approved by the ASCRS Executive Council.

  1. The Listserv is to be HIPAA compliant.  All identifying protected health information other than age and gender are to be removed from all communication to the Listserv.  Images and photos must be edited and submitted to prevent release of HIPAA protected information.
  2. The Listserv shall not be used for personal advertisement of individual services other than those relevant to the practice of colorectal surgery.  Members may not advertise, offer for sale or seek the sale of items or services for personal gain.
  3. Members may not advertise, offer for sale or seek the sale of items or services for personal gain.
  4. Members may share information of where to get supplies or equipment, but any conflicts of interest or financial interest must be revealed.
  5. Communications to the Listserv must be signed and identified by member name and location, and email.  Additional contact information is at the discretion of the individual member.
  6. Discriminatory statements made regarding gender, race, religion, nationality or sexual orientation, are prohibited and will not be tolerated under any circumstances whatsoever and are grounds for dismissal from the Listserv.
  7. Statements that a reasonable individual would categorize as abusive, rude, hostile or unprofessional are prohibited.

Case Study Listserv

This is a member forum for the discussion of issues and cases related to Colon and Rectal Surgery. 

The Listserv is intended for professional use only.  This shall include:

  • Clinical patient care (Present a case)
  • Coding and Compliance
  • Medical-legal questions
  • Medical Administrative issues (Hospital, Insurance etc)
  • Unofficial surveys of Listserv members regarding a specific clinical question (e.g. do you close the mesentery after sigmoid colectomy)
  • Requests for literature sources/citations on a specific subject
  • Information on who does what where (e.g. who does sacrectomies, who does exenterations)

This is a closed list, which means that when you subscribe, your subscription will be held for approval. You will be notified of the list moderator's decision by email. This is also a hidden list, which means that the list of members is available only to the list administrator.

Using the List - To post a message to all the list members, send email to


Young Surgeons Listserv

Welcome to the ASCRS Young Surgeons Listserv information page. The ASCRS has defined Young Surgeons as those less than 45 years in age, representing a large percentage of the general ASCRS membership. ASCRS has a vibrant committee that is focused on serving the needs of this particular group. The Young Surgeons Listserv was initiated in 2012 as a forum for Young Surgeons to create a virtual community intended for discussion of cases and career issues.  

Members of the Young Surgeons Committee serve as moderators of topics, including: :

  • Getting started in practice suggestions and pitfalls
  • How to teach residents when you're a young attending
  • Dealing with a challenging or difficult patient
  • How to actually look for work - job interviews, negotiation for salary/benefit
  • How and when to leave your job for greener pastures
  • Financial planning
  • Dealing with a bad complication
  • And more....

Subscribe to the Listserv and become a part of this virtual community by posting responses. Once you are granted access to the Listserv, you can post/email a message to all listserv members, by using

Members of the Young Surgeons Committee aim to have the subject line be the topic and have participants reply to the initial message so that the conversation string is apparent.