ASCRS Mentoring Program

Collectively, senior members of the ASCRS have a vast wealth of knowledge regarding career development, research, leadership and practice building.  But there lacks a formal program to transfer this wisdom to junior members of the ASCRS. The goal of the ASCRS Mentoring Program is to promote the personal and professional growth of the young colorectal surgeon by providing mentorship and networking over a one-year period with an emphasis on learning how to be meaningfully engaged in national colorectal surgery activities.  Junior members will be paired one-to-one with senior members of the ASCRS and follow a planned pathway designed to facilitate a formal relationship that can be tailored to the mentees' needs and interests. It is anticipated that the relationship will develop through a series of meetings and milestones as well as engagement in a national colorectal surgery activity (selected based on mentee goals and preferences). If desired, there is the opportunity for the mentee to visit the mentor at their institution to facilitate mentee development.


  • One-year program
  • Opportunity to get to know a senior colorectal surgeon and develop an ongoing relationship that can help with clinical practice, research, education, work-life balance and much more!
  • Get involved in ASCRS and other colorectal organizations (American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgeons question writing, Association of Program Directors for Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Research Foundation of the ASCRS and Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Journal) in a mentored approach that will result in meaningful engagement
  • Potential areas of focus: clinical practice, education, research, leadership
  • Opportunity to travel and visit mentor at their institution


Upon completion of the program, mentees will:
  • Have a better understanding of how the ASCRS, American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgeons question writing, Association of Program Directors for Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Research Foundation of the ASCRS and Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Journal are organized and how to get involved
  • Establish a meaningful relationship with a senior member of the ASCRS
  • Received guidance and advice for developing a specific aspect of a colorectal career development

Program Expectations

  • Attend both the 2020 (to meet your mentor and start the program) and 2021 (to share your experience with the mentorship program) annual meetings of the ASCRS
  • The mentee and mentor will complete a Program Agreement
  • The mentee will complete and submit a Self-Assessment and Action Plan (late summer) to their mentor to help guide the relationship
  • At least one “face-to-face” meeting with your mentor, either via a visit to their home institution or at another national meeting
  • Communicate with mentor quarterly
  • Complete program assessment and participate in debrief interview at end of year with member of the mentorship taskforce to understand the opportunities to improve the program

Who May Apply?

Any surgeon who has completed a colorectal fellowship within the last five years and is a candidate member of ASCRS. Applicants will be evaluated on potential for maximum benefit from the mentorship experience. 

Application Process

Applicants must submit the online application including a current CV and a 300-word statement of interest. 

Be sure to specify your areas of need with regards to mentorship (i.e., clinical practice, education, research, leadership) and comment on how this program could assist you. Also, designate areas of interest with regards to involvement in national colorectal activities (American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgeons question writing, Association of Program Directors for Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Research Foundation of the ASCRS and Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Journal) and comment on how this involvement aligns with your career interests.

Apply Now

Deadline: February 28, 2020


Contact Sheila Lee at